Poppers Still Legal!
Poppers remain legal as they are excluded from the blanket ban on selling psychoactive substances. ABS Holdings is pleased to announce that we will continue to sell ‘poppers’ as the government has announced that they will not be banned under the Psychoactive Substances Act and will remain legal. The exclusion of poppers from the pending act was announced by MP Karen Bradley in her position as the Minister for Preventing Abuse, Exploitation and Crime. On taking expert advice from the government’s Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs the Home Office has decided that poppers are not covered under the Psychoactive Substances Act, afterall. The ACMD told home secretary Theresa May that poppers were not considered psychoactive and that they were not capable of ‘having harmful effects sufficient to constitute a social problem.’ Karen Bradley concluded that she agreed with the findings of the ACMD that only substances that ‘directly stimulate or depress the central nervous system are psychoactive’ and only these substances should be included in the blanket ban on the sale of legal highs. Poppers are popular with our customers and are used to induce a head rush during sex as well as enhance sexual pleasure. Poppers have been under the spotlight as ministers announced in January that the alkyl nitrites would be banned under the Psychoactive Substances Act that comes into effect next month. They have since changed their stance. Substances that have been technically named psychoactive drugs and have had to be allowed under the law include coffee, alcohol and tobacco. MP Karen Bradley thanked the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs for their updated assessment of poppers.
“Our acceptance of your advice brings to an end the review process we were undertaking in parallel to consider the case for a bespoke exemption for the alkyl nitrites group under the Act on the basis of their beneficial and relationship effects. The process to exempt substances from the Act applies only to substances which meet the Act’s definition.”